YOTAVIS incorporates a highly specialized and sophisticated Measurement Laboratory, where the following measurements can be performed:

  • Mobile Networks GSM/UMTS/LTE
    Measurements of signals and protocols, plus the emulation of GSM, UMTS und LTE base stations
  • Base Stations
    Measurement of Passive Intermodulation (PIM) at 700MHz
  • Antenna systems and cables
    Measurement of Return Loss and Distance-to-Fault, Error search and elimination
  • RF-Measurements( S-Parameter) up to 110 GHz
    Measurements for components (Filters, Amplifiers, Antennas) and RF-Systems
  • Ethernet LAN/WAN
    Measurements of Performance (e.g. RFC2544) up to 400GBit/s
  • Wireless Networks WLAN/WiFi
    Measurement of every 802.11x standard
  • Fiber connections (FTTx)
    Measurement of Fiber cables and connections (OTDR) and signal levels (laser/power 1310/1550nm)
  • Communication systems
    Measurement of BERT/Eyediagramup to 32GBit/s
  • HF-Communcations short distance
    Measurement for Bluetooth or ISM Communication
  • Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
    Search of prohibited/hidden signals (Technical Security Counter Measurements TSCM)

Please contact us for a discussion of your requirements and performing measurements on your order!

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