“If you want to manage it, you have to measure it!”
The world of information technology and telecommunications (ICT) is applying high demands on the technical applications. Complex processes and concepts for manufacturers and users open every day new and challenging horizons. Only through technical inspections and measurements, the highest quality level can be assured. YOTAVIS is your professional partner for solutions in the quality assurance of all communication networks and control of all systems and components!

Instrumentation and Test Systems

YOTAVIS supplies equipment and systems for the comprehensive testing of network connections in all communications technologies. Our partners include renowned manufacturers with best customer references throughout the world.

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Quality testing services

The implementation of test and measurement tasks requires in addition to a professional measuring equipment and a specific expertise of the applications and technologies. The YOTAVIS team has an excellent portfolio of instruments – which are immediately available usually as…

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Special solutions

Many applications require telecommunications solutions, which are available on the market or not. YOTAVIS has the means to develop customer and application-specific solutions. Please contact us if you need something special or want to implement an idea!

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